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Cataract Surgery

Cataract surgery options designed to suit your vision and lifestyle preferences

Cataract surgery can help tailor your vision, giving you more freedom to enjoy the things you love. With different surgical options available, we’re here to help you find the most suitable option to closely match your vision and lifestyle preferences.

Keep reading to find out what options are available.

Patient being reviewed for cataract surgery

See the world differently, and put your vision in focus

Inside our eye is a structure called the lens. This helps focus light onto the back of our eye (retina) to facilitate vision.
A cataract refers to the clouding of the lens itself. Some people think that there is a film that grows over the eye, but it is in fact clouding of the whole lens structure.

Most cataracts are caused by the normal ageing process. This means that if you live long enough, you may develop cataracts.
At the early stages a cataract may not affect your vision at all. As the cataracts progress however, you may notice any or all of the following:

  • you have difficulty with fine detail work, such as threading a needle or reading small print
  • you need to update your glasses or contact lenses more often and they just don’t seem to give you the clarity of vision you are used to
  • you are bothered by symptoms of glare; this is noticed particularly when driving at night and oncoming car headlights are dazzling, or other lights are ‘fuzzy’ or have a ‘halo’ or ‘glow’ around them.
If you are experiencing any of the above symptoms, ask your GP or optometrist for a referral to our clinic.

Some people may not be bothered by their cataracts. However, if you begin noticing that your cataracts are interfering with your quality of life, cataract surgery could be a good option for you.

If you are considering cataract surgery, contact Dr Holcombe to discuss options that will match your lifestyle.

Eye surgeons performing cataract surgery

A personalised approach to eye surgery

Cataract surgery is a very common eye procedure. At Toomoomba Ophthalmic Consultants, we offer multiple surgery options, depending on your individual circumstance.

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Laser Assisted Surgery

Laser assisted cataract surgery utilises laser technology for crucial steps during the procedure to improve the accuracy and repeatability of those steps.

It opens up the option for patients to have greater choice in how they would like the focus of their vision to be after surgery.

Patients may choose to have their eyes focused the same, usually for the distance, or they may strive for spectacle independence and have their eyes set to work over a broader focal range.

Take the first step to improve vision clarity and carry-on enjoying life. Get in touch with us today.

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Extended Vision Surgery

Extended vision cataract surgery uses the latest in lens implant technology to expand the range of focus, in comparison to that offered by traditional lens technologies, that a patient may enjoy following cataract surgery.

Extended vision cataract surgery is chosen by those who would prefer not to wear glasses for distance and intermediate tasks, but are happy to put on a pair of glasses for near tasks such as reading.

You can find out more by calling our practice.

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Premium Surgery

Differing from the standard level of cataract surgery, premium cataract surgery aims to correct astigmatism (variances in the curvature of the front of the eye which reduce vision sharpness).

This surgical option is chosen by patients who may want the confidence of having sharp distance vision without glasses but choose to wear glasses full time for the convenience of their intermediate and near vision requirements.

It is also chosen by patients to do not engage in many near tasks and don’t mind putting on a pair of reading glasses or ‘computer’ glasses when they need to.

Speak to a member of our team about premium surgery.

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Standard Surgery

Standard cataract surgery is recommended for those looking to remove cataracts and are looking forward to wearing their favourite glasses for all tasks after surgery.

Get in touch with us to find out more about standard surgery.

Is your vision holding you back?

It may be time to explore your surgery options and bring your vision into focus. With a range of options available, we are here to support you so you can do the things you love with clarity.

Cataract Surgery Guide - see the world differently

If you are considering cataract surgery, contact Dr Holcombe to discuss options that will match your lifestyle.


All surgical procedures carry some risk. The information provided here is for general educational purposes only. Please contact Dr David Holcombe of Toowoomba Ophthalmic Consultants to discuss the options that are appropriate for your individual situation.

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  20 Goggs Street
Toowoomba QLD 4350

Monday to Thursday: 8:30 am - 4:00 pm

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